On March 13, 2021, Community Arts Tokyo held the “Aroma of Beauty” arts conference to pass on stories of hope and healing that came through the arts following the terrible earthquake ten years ago. You can watch highlights from the event here.


March, Community Arts Media also released the book “Aroma of Beauty” by Roger W. Lowther in English and Japanese, telling stories of how God worked in those early days following the earthquake. In the aftermath of one of the worst natural disasters in history, music had a healing power never dreamed possible.

This tsunami violin was made from debris in the    disaster area. When Nakazawa-san first visited the disaster area and saw the wood everywhere—every wooden structure destroyed, every tree knocked down—and walked through it with his wife, she said, ‘You know, this isn’t just debris. It’s fragments of   people’s lives. They represent hopes and dreams. Can’t you make a violin from that?’ Nakazawa-san loved the idea and set out to do exactly that.” …


The Art, Life, Faith Pod-cast releases new stories every week about the gospel through the arts in Japan and around the world.


In December 2020, Community Arts Media also released a children’s book “Pippy the Piano and the Very Big Wave” highlighting one gospel story from the earthquake. You can watch readings of the book in both English and Japanese  by clicking on the link.   Available at Amazon