The Lausanne Movement in conjunction with the Lausanne Arts Network has  released the latest episode of the Lausanne Global Classroom focused on Arts. The Lausanne Global Classroom is an  educational initiative of the Lausanne Movement to inform and engage Christian leaders on  issues impacting the global church.

The arts is one of those  issues and has an active network in Lausanne, led by Byron Spradlin and Uday Balasundaram. The episode contains a forty-minute video in documentary format, and a User Guide which provides material for small group discussions, suggested activities, and  academic syllabus for use in a class units or as a directed-study course. The video shows key leaders in the Christian arts movement speaking about arts and faith as animated text and graphics highlight their points. The episode and User Guide are free for anyone to access, download and use to help     Christians understand how arts impact evangelism, faith and worship at

 This is a great resource to help church groups, classes, Christian artists, and others help understand and catch a vision on the importance of using art in sharing and strengthening faith. To date six other Lausanne Global Classroom have been published, with more to come. Check out the episode on Arts, and the others that interest you.

Watch Art Episodes


Brent Burdick,  D. Min.

Director of  Lausanne Global Classroom