P, in Ghana, and J, in France, have been using our Media, Mobiles, and Ministry curriculum to train leaders from many parts of Africa. We have all been working on video tutorials of some of the 41 lessons in the curriculum set. They are posted on our Mission Media Coach YouTube channel. But many organizations are also making their own versions of the curriculum to serve their teams and language groups. |
This is a note from one of the African workers who attended the online trainings.
“Once again thank you for the session, they are really broadening my knowledge, perspective and passion with regards to media in missions. Of recent I’ve been a bit dissatisfied, a sense of unfulfillment you might say, I felt I ran out of ideas in a way…but these sessions have been so inspiring and have me going back to the drawing board. Thank you” Tom & Cara Khazoyan tomkhazoyan@10xproductions.org