Lilian Schmid, National Coordinator for Prayer Strategy for the Spheres of Influence writes that during the month of November they will be praying for the whole domain of Media and Entertainment.

During the 20th Century, life became multi-faceted and overly busy with Marketplace spheres of influence dominating and competing for the Families’time, moneym affections and ambitions, and drawing them away from the Church (the eternal family) and God our creator.

What is the Role of Christians Involved in Media and Entertainment?

As Christians we believe that Jesus did not come as a moralist, but as the incarnate love of God. He did not come to replace one set of rules with another, but to promote a new way of living. Jesus came to teach us how to identify so entirely with Himself that we could demonstrate to others the saving life of God. Christianity, is a revelation that unveils the being of God as Father and his relation to human beings, who are his children. It is an invitation to share the love that can be experienced only by sharing in God’s own life in all areas of society including the spheres of Media and Entertainment.

The morality of Jesus protects the life of our relationship with him. Together with sanctifying grace, the Holy Spirit also gives us infused moral virtues, especially the chief moral virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. These principal moral virtues have been called cardinal virtues because they are the foundation of all the other moral virtues. The cardinal virtues remove the obstacles to our union with God and drive to lead good Christian lives.

How can we Represent these Virtues in Media & Entertainment?

  • Prudence makes us see what we should do and what we should avoid in order to save souls, as well as choose the best means to reach heaven.
  • Justice makes us render to each one his due.
  • Fortitude gives us strength to do God’s will in the midst of trials and difficulties.
  • Temperance helps control evil desires and use rightly the things that please our senses.

Lilian Schmid

National Coordinator

Prayer Strategy for the Spheres of Influence