We Are Visual Story Tellers

The Visual Story Network is a global community of visual storytellers leading a movement so everyone can encounter Jesus and His kingdom.

We do this as we…

Connect visual storytellers with one another.

Collaborate on projects, products, & partnerships. Train new storytellers.

Mission Media U Fall Courses. MMU is our online training platform. We offer “live” five-week mentored courses for leaders like you from around the world. Each course provides 15 hours of training you will apply to your ministry right away. Watch the overview video here.

  Foundations of Media Strategy / September 13 – October 11

The Church has decades of history in traditional media campaigns using a broadcast approach, ‘pushing’ content out to large audiences.

The game has changed with the advent of new media paradigms, especially social media. Social media is the primary way most people on earth engage with media content. It is no longer enough to tell the story you want to tell over traditional media or social media channels, and hope that you will  connect with an audience.

We must learn to shape our strategies and our content to ‘pull’ people into conversations. We need to learn how to connect with audiences that filter and search for the stories they want to hear, based on their interests and desires. This requires a radical re-thinking on our part! We need an approach that can foster deeper connections and make “disciples who make disciples” to saturate a culture.

  Introduction to Story in Ministry / September 19th-October 17th

How well do you understand story? How well does your organization understand story? It has been said, “he who has the best story wins.” But in reality, “the one who tells the best story wins.” That person wins our attention, our interest and our loyalty. As Christ followers, we have the    Greatest Story Ever Told. Yet we do not always tell it well. We rob God of His glory when we do not inspire people to consider the only Narrative that gives life abundant and eternal.This is why we want to see a movement of God’s people communicating timeless truth through story leading to life-change through Jesus.

Clyde Tabor
